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作者:David L. Blenkhorn 著


DAVID L. BLENKHORN is Professor of Marketing at the School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University. There he teaches, researches, and consults in the areas of competitive intelligence, business-to-business marketing, customer relationship management, and supply chain management. With Craig S. Fleisher, he is co-editor of Controversies in Competitive Intelligence and Managing Frontiers in Competitive Intelligence.
Competitive intelligence (CI) is the practice of gathering and analyzing information about competitors in order to gain an edge in the marketplace (for example, by anticipating their next moves and beating them to the punch) or by shoring up one's own company's defenses prior to an anticipated assault. The stakes are even higher in a global environment, where the potential risks and rewards are amplified. This volume explores emerging trends that affect and influence CI today, such as the impact of digital commerce (which enhances the speed with which products and services can be delivered around the world, as well as the speed with which competitors can surprise you), the effects of interest groups (such as those advocating environmental protections, which can tilt the playing fields), and new laws governing the practice of CI across borders. In this book, contributions from researchers, scholars, and practitioners specializing in competitive intelligence reveal the most current practices in the field. In-depth analysis of emerging approaches to CI in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia, and in industries across the spectrum from pharmaceuticals to automotive supply chains, highlight the ways in which practicing CI globally is fundamentally different from doing so in a static, one-country context. The authors offer fresh insights and recommendations for CI specialists, strategic planners and executives, marketers and product developers, and anyone studying competition and strategy.

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