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功能诊断和治疗原则:Farbatlanten der Zahnmedizin 12 (德文)
作者:Axel Bumann 著
原  价:¥584.00 
当当价:¥401.80  节省:¥182.20

牙科放射线:Farbatlanten der Zahnmedizin 5 (德文)
作者:本社 编
原  价:¥450.00 
当当价:¥309.60  节省:¥140.40

静脉介入放射学(第2版)Venous Interventional Radiology with Clinical Perspectives(second edition)
作者:Scott J., M.D.Savader,Scott O., M.D.Trerotola 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
the three years since publication of the first edition, venous interventions have increased to the point that they now constitute up to 75% of a typical day's procedures …
原  价:¥968.00 
当当价:¥666.00  节省:¥302.00

乳腺影像图谱Breast Imaging: A Correlative Atlas
作者:Beverly Hashimoto, Donald Bauermeister 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
The book is targeted for breast imagers who wish to improve their interpretative skills by learning a pattern approach method to analyze and integrate mammographic and so…
原  价:¥988.00 
当当价:¥679.70  节省:¥308.30

乳房x线照相实践The Practice of Mammography
作者:Daniel Dronkers 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
  Univ. Medical Center St. Radboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Translation of the German edition, c1999, Radiologische Mammadiagnostik. Presents radiological findings w…
原  价:¥1,676.00 
当当价:¥1,153.10  节省:¥522.90

牙科手术Zahnzrztliche Chirurgie(德文)
作者:Norbert Schwenzer 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
  Der Lehrbuchklassiker in 3. Auflage - vllig überarbeitet und imneuen, attraktiven Gewand!  Dieses Werk setzt den Erfolg seiner Vorgnger fort und definiert den Stand…
原  价:¥1,589.00 
当当价:¥1,093.20  节省:¥495.80

肩关节影像策略Imaging strategies for the Shoulder
作者:Juergen Maeurer 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
This book presents radiology of the shoulder in a unique didactic concept, with careful organization of material under headings, using margin comments that summarize the …
原  价:¥1,286.00 
当当价:¥884.80  节省:¥401.20

胸部x线鉴别诊断Differential Diagnosis in Chest X-Rays
作者:本社 编著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
原  价:¥1,038.00 
当当价:¥714.10  节省:¥323.90

磁共振解剖人体Sectional and MRI Anatomy of the Human Body
作者:S. Marinkovic 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
In this atlas, sections of anatomical specimens are correlated with corresponding MR images of the entire human body. Normal structures and the topographic relationships …
原  价:¥584.00 
当当价:¥401.80  节省:¥182.20

儿科影像鉴别诊断 Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Radiology
作者:Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Radiology 等著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Details the use of radiology and other medical imaging techniques in the diagnosis of paediatric conditions. This revised text has expanded chapters on the chest, airway,…
原  价:¥1,586.00 
当当价:¥1,091.20  节省:¥494.80

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